Thursday, May 10, 2007

I could not ask for more

I am making my travel plans now. In a month I will visit Orange County. Last time I visited there is about four years ago. In my plan there is Santa Monica, San Diego beach, sunset blvd... I might be more excited if I hadn't visited Miami Beach last week. But I am still very excited to meet Rowena there. And it must be different to see Pacific Ocean. I dream about watching sunset at Santa Monica. I dream about watching sunset at La Jolla beach. What's more?

Life becomes much better when I stop asking for more. I will appreciate everything I have now. I am grateful to every surprise. I will learn.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Soak up the sun

This is what I feel when I was at Miami beach. It's such a lovely place. It has been one year since I went there last time. Same place, different people. Last year I went to a place called Ocean's Ten, it's at Ocean drive across 10th street. Such a lovely place.

This year I stayed at Miami Beach for seven days and six nights. I enjoyed every minute there. I spent most of time on the beach, lying on the bed and thinking about nothing. But I am so happy. I feel all my worries have gone, all my sadness have vaporized. I am back to the my free soul. What a wonderful time! During the nights we moved back to the pool and lay on the beds by the pool. We chatted days and nights, about work, about life, jokes, laughter...Those will stay in my memory for a long long time, I am sure.

You are beautiful

It has been quite a while since I wrote my blog last time. It has been a little dramatic. On the last night at Miami Beach I heard this song in the radio while packing. It's revised to smooth jazz. I recognized the song when it played the part that "but it's time to face the truth, I will never be with you". Although nobody was singing, I couldn't help singing the line and then I recognized that's the song!

And then I noticed this song quite often in radio. I felt it differently. The first time I noticed this song was back to two years ago, on the night when I packed and went back home the next day. And then I hear it again and again after I was back to the states. I love the video a lot as it is such a neat video. It's a very pure song, pure story, pure video. Somehow I did wish that were James Blunt's one-hit-wonder. hmm....maybe he could be better..